Nicholas West brickwork specialist Contractors




Bushy leaves 2008

Gudgeon Farm House 2008

Zion Chapel 2007

Swingle swangle 2006

Lime House 2005

Juglans House 2004

Chilham Castle 2003

Stone and Schist

Chilham Steps

Re pointing

Lime Mortars




New Buildings

Brick Barns

Brickwork Details

New Zealand brickworks

Period properties


Lime House

Welcome to the Lime House. This newly built house was constructed in 2005 to replica an old traditional style farm house.
The main chimney is finished off with queen closures dental course.

Exposed brick walls have been built in flemish bond with 400 years old oak beams built in that were carefully taken from an original building.

This picture shows the beginning of the porch to this great project.

This image shows the beginning of the first lift.

The beauty of the fact that the old property that stood here before was built in lime mortar is that it enabled us to clean and set aside the old bricks for re-use. Therefore we were then able to mix these old bricks with a new brick which was a perfect match ( supplied by Lambs Bricks) .

A close up of a panel of brickwork showing the integration of the reclaimed bricks mixed with the new.
New Lambs bricks are mixed with original reclaimed bricks again taken from the existing building, (new blue glazed headers).

The bonding around the windows & door have been carefully thought out to make every thing symmetrical to follow the bond above the door & windows.

Who said brickwork wasn't fun. ...............
This picture shows a nearly complete arch with 5mm joints.


The house is almost near completion just a waiting front door. The web site will be up dated when the has been completed.


Improve front of house Contact Nicholas