N.W.B.S Nicholas West brickwork specialist Contractors





Bushy leaves 2008

Gudgeon Farm House 2008

Zion Chapel 2007

Swingle swangle 2006

Lime House 2005

Juglans House 2004

Chilham Castle 2003

Chilham Steps

Re pointing

Lime Mortars




New Buildings

Brick Barns

Brickwork Details

New Zealand brickworks

Period properties


Swingle Swangle

Nicholas West Brickwork Specialist offers the best service & highest standards.


This project came about when I was approached Simon & Linda who required this cute little barn and turn it into there dream home. Linda had been watching me restore Juglans House, see my work I was asked if I would be interested in taking a look at this delightful little barn. when meeting Linda first thing I noticed was the passion she had for her little red barn and enthusiasm to create fansty world of all yummy bits found in all old property and life time collection of ideas and two containers filled with treasure." will for me I've landed in heaven. I Could see linda was thinking out the square sort of thing, or maybe was just in captured by its great original funky name Swingle Swangle.

The image above show the new face on this barn replacing the old brick front which was rebuilt in the 80's. " Like something from a 80's make over


This image is the front elevation of little Swingle Swangle where alternations had taken place in the 80's .

Part from removing this section of brickwork the first things to be done was to bring Little Single Swangle out the ground eventually we brought the first course brickwork the spread footing and to make that the start of the brick plinth. Little Swingle was had to be first under pinned in selective section, then a new brickwork was added in alterative section, then the ground level around was removed.


The image opposite show a original panel of brickwork built in red rubbers and multi stock bricks, just capturing that real beauty.


Keeping the same sort of flavor going We rebuilt new front elevation?. This is the good bit" only had couple of hundred of the original bricks? Chance of finding old multi stocks and the fact of cost, well really "I just wanted to see what lengths the client will go to create the ideal home. So after some though I suggested that we take inside skin of original brickwork down, the walls were 9" brickwork and then we have the perfect material. " Oh I'm not cut them out I suggested to Linda & Simon " you are. well they just went at with just it with great passion and drive carefully salvaging every brick. Why went to NZ

Don't worry all relative check were made like which way was the wind blowing" Oh and some good advise from Bob Bennett from the Lime Center.


This page is under construction"

I' still waiting for more bricks

The image above show rear of barn with new window openings



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